Serdachny Spring Prep Goaltending Camp

Note: This camp is hosted by Serdachny Hockey and is instructed by Ian Gordon. Those interested in attending this camp by clicking the link below.  Camp Link: Camp Information Price: $525.00 SKU: GOAL22SPRPREP01 Location: Edmonton, AB, CANADA Start Date: Saturday, February 26, 2022 End: Saturday, March 26, 2022 Times: On Ice Training 2:30PM – 3:30PM…

Serdachny Ultimate Goalie Camp

Note: This camp is hosted by Serdachny Hockey and instructed by Ian Gordon.  The Ultimate Goalie Camp provides specialized goaltending instruction for maximum performance on ice. It provides professional, personalized goaltending instruction, movement skills, controlled save techniques and game tactics. It features small group instruction and live shooters. The program teaches progressively and will promote…